ANeT_Guard_100x100Are you aware of movement of persons throughout your enterprise? Do you require the access to particular zones to be at specific time and for specific persons only? Do you require tightening evening access to the building by adding extra identification process and apart from card identification demand entering of PIN code? Has any unauthorized person already tried to access confidential area? Do you want to be notified by email if an unauthorized person tries to access confidential area?Are the areas in your building open to the public during ordinary working time, but later in the day you need them accessible only to persons with higher authorization?

Access Control system ANeT-Guard provides:

  • simple management of person database, connection to ANeT systems
  • defining of user type cards with specific function (e.g. card for permanent door blocking/unblocking, Master/Slave card, Tandem card… )
  • assigning more cards to one person, each being differently defined type
  • assigning own PIN code to each person for the purpose of increasing of safety
  • defining of user type devices and connection to external systems (control of electronic security alarms, fire alarm, alarm system)
  • multiple use of devices for manipulation with various access sites (one access sensor controls multiple doors, one alarm warning signals incorrect events in multiple access sites)
  • defining of access zones (including subzones), which enables increasing of safety and simplifies definition of system configuration
  • defining of access models accurate to the minute, which the user can use for setting access privileges for persons, setting intervals for automatic unblocking of the door or handling exit button
  • defining of access roles, which can be assigned to organization center or directly to particular person
  • under the role definition can be created connections between time model of access and access sensor, as well as time model of access and defined zone
  • when defining access privileges, set access privileges of the center are passed down to all subcenters and all persons belonging to given center
  • defining exceptions against defined privileges by adding more privileges or banning the access
  • easy monitoring and filtering of system events
  • monitoring of presence
  • monitoring of latest passages during defined time (e.g. during last hour)
  • graphic description of access site distribution including assigned devices and their parameters
  • monitoring of passages through the locks (from entered data you can route passages and control presence of selected persons in specific time interval for particular zone)
  • system anti-passback for controlling of repetitive accesses in one zone (each access must be followed by exit)